‘Friends of NIBCHG’
If you have a connection with the villages of Neatishead, Irstead or Barton Turf, are interested in preserving their heritage or simple would like to keep in touch with the group’s activities, then why not become a ‘Friend’. We are pleased to have resumed NIBCHG Friends this year with talks and walks being organised. Details of which can be found on our Monthly Meetings page. Why not Join NIBCHG Friends today? An annual subscription of £10 will support the work of the group and give you:

- Free entry to most monthly meetings
- an opportunity to get involved with, and / or initiate projects
- assist at events
- help with research skills
- at least two newsletters a year
- email notification of meetings, events and activities during the year.
To join please download and print a copy of our Friends Application Leaflet. Complete the form and post it, together with a cheque for £10 made payable to NIBCHG, to Monica Riley, Secretary to the address given on the leaflet. Alternatively the leaflet gives details of how to pay via BACS. We will then acknowledge receipt by email.
The group is formally constituted and the Constitution can be downloaded as a PDF file.